Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oil Hits New High Again, $130

Another good reason for starting this site. Oil went over $130 a barrel last night. The reasons given are many, but it seems that it's mostly speculative.

Reasons Oil is so high:
  • Supply and Demand: Worry is high about insufficient supply
  • Worldwide demand is climbing, especially in China
  • A weaker dollar Means its cheaper for others to invest in oil.
  • Hard commodities are a hedge against inflation.
  • When the dollar falls, money 'pours' into crude futures.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

About Fuel Efficient Cars: the Blog

Since I already run a blog on hybrid cars, I believe fuel efficient cars, no matter the powertrain, is a natural extension of my interests. So, anytime I want to expand the field a little bit, I'm going to post about it here.